Show More Videos! Capture More Revenues!
How it Works

Get Desired Content

Define you video story requirement and declare what percentage of pre-roll revenue you are willing to share with contributors

Review and Editorialize submitted content

Video Bloggers agree to contribute content based on this expectation. You review, edit, editorialize submitted contents into your final published video. Newzing tracks what videos you used and their contributors.

Share Pre-Roll Revenues

Your video earns pre-roll revenue when the video player plays a classified video ad as Pre-Roll before playing your video.

Automated Payment Handling

Newzing automatically credits you with pr-roll revenues and also credits your video contributors based on your revenue sharing commitment

Revenue Sharing Maths

The revenue for every ad impression is shared as follows

For this calculation, assume you, the web editor/publisher/producer, declared that you would share n% of the pre-roll revenues.

Your (Web Publishers share) :

[1- (n÷100] × net-revenue per ad impression

Contributors Share :

( n÷100) × net -revenue per ad impression

If there are more than one Contributors for a published video, then contributors are credited with pre-roll revenue in proportion to the lenght of their Video segment used in the final video.

Revenue Share per contributor :

(length of the contributor's video used in the published video ÷ total duration of the published video) × (n÷100) × net-revenue per ad impression :

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